12,00 33,00 

La Jacoba’s objective is to expand the supply of Organic certified coffee from Colombia, including from some of the country’s best known regions like Nariño.


Ecoterra Nariño Association, also known as La Jacoba, works with 100 coffee producing families in the Nariño Department of Colombia. These families have farms averaging 2 hectares in size throughout many municipalities in the department, including La Unión, Cartago, San Lorenzo, Colón Génova, Arboleda and San Pedro Cartago.

La Jacoba’s objective is to expand the supply of Organic certified coffee from Colombia, including from some of the country’s best known regions like Nariño. The project is designed to make positive environmental, social, and economic impacts by offering premiums for certified Organic coffees, investing in reforestation, offering training in environmentally-friendly agricultural practices, and improving the infrastructure of coffee production and housing for members.

Coffee from La Jacoba undergoes traditional Washed processing and is dried in marquesinas to a humidity of 11.5%.

Elevation: 1950 meters


300 g, 500 g, 1kg




Whole Beans, Chemex, V60, AeroPress, FrenchPress, Filter

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